Thursday, February 13, 2014

Afternoon Acts of Kindness

This week in the Made to Crave Bible study, we were challenged!  Don't you just love a challenge???  In Ch. 12, Lysa encourages us to “fill our afternoons with His thoughts of love toward others” instead of wallowing in discouragement or frustration over our struggles. Do this and share how it does or does not help you.

Can I just say how much I LOOOOOOVE random acts of kindness?!?!?!  I'm tellin' you what...if you're in a funk you need to get out of fast, that is definitely one way to do it!  Plus, it is zero calories--BONUS! You simply CANNOT complete a random act of kindness and keep that giggly feeling to yourself.  Seriously, just try not to smile about it...IMPOSSIBLE!!!

So, one of my favorite RAOK's is the drive-thru.  This time, when I paid for person's breakfast behind me, I left a little gift as well:
I purchased 10 adult size "I Am Second" bracelets and 10 child size for my son to share.  My plan is to continue the drive-thru RAOK and also give a bracelet to each person who asks me about mine until I am out.  I'm so excited to do this.  

Now, I challenge YOU to go out and complete a Random Act of Kindness! :-)


Tonya McCoy ~ Proverbs 31 Ministries OBS Team said...

This is great Angie! Love the idea of leaving the bracelets. Thanks for the encouragement....I am going to give this a try myself.

Unknown said...

Great idea! I love RAOK! Mine usually involve making cakes for people but you've inspired me to try something new. Thank you for the challenge. Blessings, Fiona (group 50)

Stacy said...

I am a huge fan of RAOK! Thanks for sharing this :)
~Stacy, OBS Group 28

Unknown said...

Fun ideas! Have a great week. ~ Miriam of

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